
As the owner / coach had become specialized in functional mobility training, his website needed to be redesigned to reflect his new product offerings, many of which would be offered virtually.

Owner / Coach

Owner / Coach



General Fitness

Local / In-Person


Functional Mobility Training

Virtual / Pre-Recorded Sessions



  • Educate new users on different Mobility Modality product offerings

  • Provide referrals & members easy access to specific information and client amenities

  • Facilitate the onboarding process to maximize new sign-up’s


  • Integrate Teachable - white label coaching & course sales platform

  • Dynamic design for future iterations


  • Project timeline: 2-3 weeks

  • Built on Squarespace with MegaMenu add-on


Lean Process

Lean Process.png



Based on market analysis, a proto-persona was created to set the direction for a minimally viable prototype to begin testing.


User Flow


Site Navigation


Lo-Fi Wireframes


Wireframes sketched based on Squarespace’ constraints, not including Teachable screens, as these are not customizable.


Digital Prototype


The website’s 1st iteration was a live, password protected site, made available to participants for usability testing. Displayed below are scrolling screenshots of this original prototype.



Click to Enlarge


Click to Enlarge

Virtual Classes

Click to Enlarge

In-Person Classes

Click to Enlarge

Modality 1

Click to Enlarge

Modality 2

Click to Enlarge

Modality 3

Click To Enlarge

Modality 4

Click to Enlarge


Click to Enlarge

Teachable Integration

On-site white label platform

Teachable Sign Up / Log In

Click to Enlarge


Click to Enlarge

Course 1

Click to Enlarge

Course 2

Click to Enlarge

Course 3

Click to Enlarge

Course 4

Click to Enlarge

Usability Testing

Usability testing of the prototype was conducted on the UserTesting platform. A screener was created based on the business’ target market, discovery goals were outlined, and a series of tasks were created with corresponding metrics to determine the current rate of user success and delight.

Screen Shot 2020-09-14 at 1.05.35 AM.png
UT screener.png
Screen Shot 2020-09-14 at 1.25.36 AM.png
metrics r1.png
dg next.png

Test Findings

Test results indicated that users found the navigation and information architecture confusing, as they were required to sign up for Teachable to view products and product pricing comparisons, and that the UI and branding of the Teachable site was incongruent with that of the native site.

Information Architecture

Open card sort results via Optimalsort

IA Dendogram

card sort 1.png

IA Similarity Matrix

card sort 2.png

Iterated User Flow


Success Path


Iterated Site Navigation


Original Primary / Secondary Navigation


Reiterated Information Architecture & Taxonomy
+ Mega Menu

Iterated Prototype


Click to Enlarge

Courses - Side by Side

Click to Enlarge

Usability Testing - Round 2

I conducted a 2nd round of usability testing through UserTesting, with the same screener and tasks as round one. As seen below, there was a notable improvement in the website’s information architecture and user interface, resulting in an increase in user delight.

metrics r2.png
dg round 2.png

Next Steps

Upon reiterating the website’s user interface, I implemented Google Analytics and customized their account and dashboard.

I then began serving Conformed Fitness & Wellness in a consulting capacity, outlining goals, strategies, and action items for social media marketing campaigns.


Live Entertainment Social Media App Design